Friday, January 22, 2010

Is Coconut Milk A Laxative If I Drink Coconut Milk From The Can Is It The Same As Fresh Coconut Milk?

If i drink coconut milk from the can is it the same as fresh coconut milk? - is coconut milk a laxative

use it as a natural laxative.


James G said...

No. First, it is free (and coconut water is really, you have to press the flesh of the coconut and water for "milk"), and the other is treated. The nature of the processing of sugar free milk can be found in Asian markets and sometimes even the ethnic foods section of your local market (Taste of Thailand) is a popular brand. Another type contains sugar and is also used in the kitchen, especially baking.

I am not aware of its use as a natural laxative, but I think that if you drink enough, you can achieve the desired effect. Why does not Swiss Kriss, a natural laxative instead of vegetables, and use of milk, if you kitchen to cook Thai!

Sandy Hetherington said...

No, you must press the coconut to get the same fluid in the field. The liquid from the coconut is called coconut milk.

pyjamato... said...

No it is not, the boxes in use in the kitchen.

pyjamato... said...

No it is not, the boxes in use in the kitchen.

Asdkfgh said...

No, this is

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