I need any suggestions at all regarding an allergic cat.? - can cats take sudafed
My cat Sammy is a 1 year old brown spotted tabby. (indoors only, no other animals), which began with constant licking or scratching - to the point of broken skin or wounds. I had to take him to the vet for monthly injections take) think (steroid that a little help with the symptoms. Lately now sneezing, watery eyes, and has a loud whistle. He was in a study of food z / d low allergen for more than 3 months - so no food allergy. The window has become even worse shorter - 2 to 3 weeks and the symptoms. Veterinarian recommended to a dermatologist for allergy testing in Iowa City - =, but the dust most likely. Help! I can not afford at this time, but the monthly injections of their carcasses costs. We love him very much - I am not suffering from allergies, so I can imagine it is - it is something that we can try OTC (Sudafed, etc.)symptoms? Or any change in the house? Please help!
Baby Benadryl might work. Enter only a small amount, since obviously do not want to kill your cat. Keep home windows closed all the time. Vacuum regularly. Keep going to the AC. Wash your bedding and clothing toys every 3 days or less. If you need to bathe, use soap-free cat allergen exposure (yes, they sell at PetSmart for about $ 4). Get a humidifier cheap Walmart or somewhere and then runs into the room where your cat usually hangover.
It seems that you tried your veterinarian to lose money. He should be able to do an allergy test in his office. No doctor of man are tested for a cat - especially if it is the practice for people with skin problems and allergies (and many people are allergic focus) on cats.
My cat has bad allergies, too. Just do what you have listed, it seems to help.
And the vet has him the trouble, antibiotics or signs of infection of the upper airway? For eyes and runny nose, sneezing, scratching, etc., are the main symptoms of URI
Check with your veterinarian test, but you can use the drug for allergies, "Benadryl" which comes in liquid form or tablets. You can also use a pet versions of this product:
As you can depend on the weight of your cat. The drug reduces itching, which in turn put an end to chewing and wounds. Drugs are also your sleeping cat.
Good luck
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